(i)  We are born Utopians; it is through the invariable scarring by socialization that some of us become Nihilists.

(ii)  The Utopian thinker, the idealist, believes in a perfect loving world free of currency and injustice, where Everything is considered significant.  Conversely, the Nihilist, or hardened realist, knows this world to be entirely imperfect and highly dysfunctional, where Everything signifies Nothing at all.  Hopeful versus Hopeless. The Utopian Nihilist, however, sees colored light at opposite ends of the hexagon.  In the darkest of circumstances, there shall always be at least a pinhole of light.  An illuminated world with the constant threat of a storm.  If one must walk through the dredges of Hell, one must not come away empty-handed, but with a deeper comprehension of the extreme contrast.  The Grand Dichotomy.  The Wicked Paradox. 

(iii)  The Utopian believes there to be a point to everything whereas the Nihilist believes this existence to be pointless.  The Utopian Nihilist attempts to discern wisely, without absolution, dubious yet hopeful, pointing his/her knife straight into the shiny brown pit of the avocado. 

(iv)  The Utopian sees the wine glass as eternally brimming over with spirits whereas the Nihilist sees it as continually moving towards emptiness.  The Utopian Nihilist sees a God-given libation suitable for consumption, ponders the sordid history of the grape and those who tended and crushed them.

(v)  A man is not a woman if he does not help to make this world a slightly better world.  And yes, he/she will toil in the process but it shall be an effortless effort, one that elevates all the grappling and the struggling, allowing one to breathe freely through all the psychic pollution and the natural human injustice.  

(vi)  Your personal philosophy is your apple tree.  Hydrate IT, fertilize IT, even if it means taking a piss on IT.  Go to IT when you need a piece of fruit. Throw the chewed core down into the ravine. But do not litter even the smallest piece of refuse that is not biodegradable.  The rules shall be of your own devisement based on emotional and contemplative study.  For as Willy Wonka said, “we are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.  And so shines a good deed in a weary world.” 

(vii)  Go after that Thing or that Someone you truly desire, and without trepidation but with a bold motherloving authority.  Do what you can while you can; there’s not much time left.  

(viii)  Eclipse the obstacles.  Keep watching the skies. 

(ix)  That which is undeniable cannot be denied.

(x)  It’s not what we know; it’s what we remember.  And it’s not only about what we believe but what we do NOT believe.  As Ian Mackaye of Fugazi said, “it’s not what they’re selling, it’s what you’re buying.”

(xi)  If you want to wear all red, go ahead and wear all red, or just wear all black.  Or wear yellow.  Or sport the anarchist colors of red, white and black.  With painting, graphics, and design, one cannot go wrong with the triumvirate of anarchist colors. The rule shall be no rule.

(xii)  Unorthodox inklings house the potential for revolution.

(xiii)  Do not consternate so much about the creation of your art; stream IT the way that your Pristine Genesis mind initially bloomed IT.  Judge not self in the process, lest thee be judged.  Employ utter disregard. Semi-automatic. There is time for regard in the fine-tuning.  

(xiv)  The reconciliation of disparate images shall be our literary tasking. Recognize the Ultimate Paradox in All Things.

(xv)  Honor the darkness, exalt the light, in simultaneity.

(xvi)  If you can see IT, you can be IT.  If you can drink it, you can swallow it. 

(xvii)  Vehement resistance to, and the constant criticque of mainstream ideas, shall be our intellectual and moral obligation.  Not unlike the bloodied salmon thrusting hard for procreation, the Utopian Nihilist swims against the stream.

(xviii)  We must acknowledge that the once-beautiful Greek ideal of Democracy is now dead and perverted.  Yet we still hold the tangible human ability to exert positive influence on personal, local, and community levels.  We must guard against apathy and cast a vote in every election.  Even if it does not jive with an antiquated electoral college.

(xix)  Occupation and extermination of ancient civilizations is heinous and not to be considered rational in any regard.  NO political cause is worth the loss of even one human life.  Discourse, even heated and drawn-out discourse, shall be the preferred Utopian Nihilist methodology.  Sanctions and trade embargos are also acceptable.  

(xx)  The consumption of the body parts of innocent animals is not currently considered to be wrong or heinous by the majority of planetary humans.  Mass corporate slaughter is still legally acceptable, ordained, and advertised at every turn.  It does however represent an archaic and barbaric tradition, not unlike war, which condones an unnecessary and violent tradition based on a Killing Floor economy, hinged on the mass murder of sentient beings sold for insidious profits.  Death for Dollars, Dollars for Death.  As long as we are aware, we can be enlightened.  Every life is sacred.  There shall always be a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.  We hold no dominion over the lives of others, no matter what the bible says.  It also states very clearly in the commandments, “thou shalt not kill.”  Eating murdered animals, birds, and fish is in no way noble unless one is in a situation with no other recourse for sustenance.

(xxi)  Be compassionate to the wicked realities of others.  Adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. Stand against inequity and violence!

(xxii)  Hierarchies are illusory man-made constructs. 

(xxiii)  Either Everything in this Life is sacred or Nothing is sacred at all.

(xxiv) There is no God, there is no God, there is no God, except for God.

(xxv) The velocity of Time is equal to the energy of Love.

(xxvi) Nietzsche said that “the world itself is a filthy monster.”  He also qualified it by saying, ”I believe it is one of the greatest crises, a moment of the deepest self-reflection of humanity. Whether man recovers from it, whether he becomes master of this crisis, is a question of his strength!”  In retrospect, Nietzsche’s Mensch/Ubermensch concept could be considered Utopian Nihilist thought.

(xxvii) Love and friendship comes and it often goes away, and this is the most beautiful tragedy.  And you will have your aorta crushed somewhere in the process but you shall rebound with an elegant resilience.  Steeped in IT one moment, bliss up to the neck, the next minute gagging on a cigarette alone behind somebody else’s bushes, wondering what in the Hades just happened.   Sometimes it comes in chapters and sometimes it returns at unspecified times in the novel.  It can be the deepest of the deep and then simply transmuted or reverse-metamorphosized into something else, separating like a cell. And is there judgement, good or bad, based upon the separation of a cell?

(xxviii)  Love is the brightest thing in this sad existence and should be honored at all costs.  Love the shopkeep, love your obnoxious neighbor.  Love your fresh love giver.  Give good energized love and respect to your Starfox.  True love is rare yet attainable as we see fit or unfit.  It is said that we are given seven loves in a lifetime.  Which Love Number are you on?

(xxix)  Happiness is temporal and should be treated as such, knowing that there is also much pain and consternation to be experienced in balance.  We are the supersonic Samsara sponge.  This is our job as cheerful proletarians.  As Utopian Nihilists.  To soak up the paradox; to snort up the salt and pepper of things.

(xxx)  Nothing can keep us from being sad in the face of violence and corruption and no one can stop us from celebrating in spite of IT all!

(xxxi)  Our earlobes shall be tanned by the benevolent rays of the Overhead Projector and we shall bask in the reality of the sunlight of this wicked weave and dutifully learn the lessons that we were inherently designed to learn.
